Les and I decided to take a little trip to Fredericksburg and enjoy the sites. We didn't realize it was "Trade Days" and a big wedding in town, so we didn't make reservations. The first night we stayed where we could find a room and the next night we had our choice.
We spent Saturday with Larry & Susie Lardy from Kerrville and we had such a fun time starting with breakfast at a German bakery and then on to shopping. I purchased a beautiful urn (No, not Grecian) for our new house--when that happens. We mostly "looked" at shops-one an art gallery where we could go outside and see the outdoor art of different designers. (This is the shop where I dropped my camera and no more pictures!)
That afternoon the Lardy's gifted us with tickets to a local performance of music, comedy and impersonations. It was a great show! After that we took them to dinner at a restaurant that was formerly a cotton gin. Wonderful food! (no pictures)
Oh, I didn't mention the wildseed farm...that was interesting and beautiful plants everywhere...no, I didn't buy any seeds but I did buy some jelly/jam.
Sunday we went to Enchanted Rock and enjoyed our drive seeing wildlife along the way. Then back to Waco via Marble Falls which is such a quaint town. We ate outside on the river and it was very scenic. Lots of fun and few pictures :(